Dominican Cigars
Montecristo White Montecristo White Rothchilde Cigars Box of 27
Dominican Size: 5 x52 RothschildThis version of Montecristo sports an elegant white label and was introduced in 2003. It offers a medium-bodied flavor with a Connecticut-seed wrapper.
Macanudo Macanudo Portofino Cafe Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 7 x 34 PanatellaIntroduced by General Cigar in its current form in the United States in 1971, this is an exceptionally consistent cigar, made with Connecticut Shade wrappers that have been aged for at least three years. The cigar has a silky feel to the hand and has a taste which is only found in a Macanudo.
Casa De Garcia Casa de Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigars Pack of 20
Dominican Size: 6.5 x 50 ChurchillLife is,and has always been full of choices. Some choices are rewarding,while others are hell-bounding. A common American proverb starts out,“when life gives your melons…”,followed by the reader's addition to the proverb with whatever he seems is most righteous. In this case,you should ask yourself,“when life gives you a Casa De Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigars,what will you do?” Well,will you ever forgive yourself if you resist this preeminent Casa De Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigar? Engulfed in the Connecticut Shade Grown Wrapper and bound by a Dominican Republic elite binder,while being filled with the Dominican Republic filler the legendary Casa De Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigars cast a simply unforgettable image in your head of what magical quality and flavor should be like. Mild in stregth,these Casa De Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigars take on a Churchill Shape and the size dimensions of 7.5X50. Perfect for your lunch break,leisure time or a day at nature,the Casa De Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigars remind you of a chef's kitchen rendering hints of spices and pepper with their nutty flavoring. Tobacco General is offering extraordinarily low prices on these Casa De Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigars in order to allow for a great consumer demand. High quality guaranteed! Buy these Casa De Garcia Churchill Connecticut Cigars now!
Casa De Garcia Casa de Garcia Belicoso Connecticut Cigars Pack of 20
Dominican Size: 6 x 52 BelicosoTake into consideration the topic of conversation of the grand olden days. The contemporary head of the family would be sitting on the porch,enjoying the conspicuously orthodox premium cigar as the stretch of his leisure time perseveres. Passer-bys are curious about the cigar he is smoking,as everyone has finally become aware of the embargo on all of the Cuban merchandise that was shipped to the Americas a mere year ago. Jealous and unaware of the fact that Dominican republic is now mass producing premium cigars,these passer-bys hold back their petulancy and strive to find out how this man obtained this premium cigars. Without diving into a complete discourse,they find out that this cigar is the newly-respected Casa De Garcia Belicoso Connecticut Cigar that has been gaining grand popularity as the days dragged by. What makes these Casa De Garcia Belicoso Connecticut Cigars so grand and fine is their Connecticut wrapper,the one that is well constructed to take on a Belicoso shape. With a kind and soothing medium-bodied smoke,the Casa De Garcia Belicoso Connecticut Cigars are definitely underpinned by their Connecticut,Honduran and Dominican fillers to render a wondrous blend. These Casa De Garcia Belicoso Connecticut Cigars are sized in 6X52 dimensions; great for a long-term smoke for the leisure time. Tobacco General is offering very low prices on this impeccable product,so buy now! You won't be disappointed,guaranteed!
Brioso Brioso Gigante Maduro Cigars Pack of 20
Dominican Size: 6 x 60 GiganteAged to perfection,Brioso cigars are expertly handcrafted according to the precise standards that continue to make General Cigar products the go-to brands of today's knowledgeavle smoker. Brioso features a blend of Dominican seco and ligero tobaccos which are married to a Nicaraguan and Mexican blend. A connecticut Habano binder ensures an even burn and allows the wrapper to enhance its subtle flavor. This lively smoke is suprisingly mild and ideal for any occasion that calls for a handmade cigar.
Tatiana Tatiana Classic Chocolate Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 6 x 44 CoronaThis is a long-filler,medium-bodied,flavored brand from Miami Cigar & Co.,primarily featuring an Indonesian wrapper.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 5 x 50 RothschildFlavor comes in many different definitions. To add to that,many people have different tastes for different flavors. Some of these tastes can be altered,however,provided a stimuli is introduced. Each time a manufacturer comes out with a new product,another set of consumers is attracted to the product and they slowly begin setting a new standard for the demand of that product. One of the most popular product introductions of the past century were the illustrious premium cigars. Purchased by many celebrities and governmental parties,these premium cigars have acquired a very steady base in popular demand. Today,many consumers thrive to obtain the legendary Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars. These Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars,per say,have altered the senses and introduced consumers to a whole new world of taste and flavor perception. One may wonder what makes these Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars so special. The fact is rather clear. These Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars are blessed with flavorful Dominican and Brazilian long leaf fillers,those that are gently wrapped in redolent Olor binders and extravagant Java wrappers. As you try out the Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars for yourself for the first time,allow the soothing medium bodied smoke to embrace your taste buds and olfactory in a very benevolent manner. Handle the Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars for yourself,an acknowledge their humble 5x50 dimensions. As you take your first breath while caressing the cigar with your mouth,allow your senses to absorb the Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigar's hints of oaks,cedar,spice and nuts. These Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars are well-balanced cigars that proffer a very good appearance,taste and construction; in the end they will embark you on a very memorable journey! Tobacco General is offering low prices on these Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars in order to assure maximum consumer satisfaction. At the same time,however,the quality remains very high and will cease to disappoint you! Try these Romeo y Julieta Rothchilde en Tubos Cigars for yourself and you'll see!
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Romeo's Court Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 5.5 x 44 CoronaRomeo y Julieta is an iconic cigar named after a literary favorite. The 1875 cigar's beautiful Indonesian Shade Grown TBN wrapper surrounds a classic Domincan binder and a blend of Dominican long fillers that burn with a characteristic white ash,providing a smooth,mellow taste with medium body.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Deluxe 2 Glass Tubes Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 6 x 50 ToroRomeo y Julieta is an iconic cigar named after a literary favorite. The 1875 cigar's beautiful Indonesian Shade Grown TBN wrapper surrounds a classic Domincan binder and a blend of Dominican long fillers that burn with a characteristic white ash,providing a smooth,mellow taste with medium body.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 7 x 50 ToroAllow yourself to experience the smoke that emanates from the same cigars Winston Churchill once smoked. That is,immerse yourself in the medium bodied experience of the same cigars that Winston Churchill once set the following rule with: Smoking of the cigar should be allowed prior to and after a full course meal,if not during. Churchill believed that premium cigar smoking of the Romeo y Julieta,his utmost favorite premium cigar brand,is a rather sacred task. That is,no other daily tasks must interfere with the cigar smoking. One of these cigars were the Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars. Offered in the box of 10,these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars proffer spicy flavors that render a heavenly experience for your taste buds. Produced by Altadis in the Dominican Republic,these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars made with Dominican filler tobaccos and wrapped tightly with the Indonesian Shade Grown wrappers. With a burn so smooth and even,you won't believe the humble price tag that the Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars assume! With a quality so grandeur,you'll keep returning to the smoking of these cigars as 10 cigars will simply not suffice! Each of these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars assumes dimensions of 6x50 and a straight shape which is tendered by the Colorado Maduro wrapper. Tobacco General is offering these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10 at a reasonably low price that doesn't match the high quality. We look forward to satisfying you on all levels,allowing for your experience with the Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10 be the same if not better than that experience that Winston Churchill once had. Try these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10 out for yourself and see!
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill en Tubos Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 7 x 50 ChurchillRomeo y Julieta is an iconic cigar named after a literary favorite. The 1875 cigar's beautiful Indonesian Shade Grown TBN wrapper surrounds a classic Domincan binder and a blend of Dominican long fillers that burn with a characteristic white ash,providing a smooth,mellow taste with medium body.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real It's A Girl Tube Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 5.5 x 44 CoronaAltadis USA introduced this popular blend in 2003,featuring a Connecticut-seed wrapper with a medium-bodied flavor.