Dominican Cigars
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Deluxe 2 Glass Tubes Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 6 x 50 ToroRomeo y Julieta is an iconic cigar named after a literary favorite. The 1875 cigar's beautiful Indonesian Shade Grown TBN wrapper surrounds a classic Domincan binder and a blend of Dominican long fillers that burn with a characteristic white ash,providing a smooth,mellow taste with medium body.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 7 x 50 ToroAllow yourself to experience the smoke that emanates from the same cigars Winston Churchill once smoked. That is,immerse yourself in the medium bodied experience of the same cigars that Winston Churchill once set the following rule with: Smoking of the cigar should be allowed prior to and after a full course meal,if not during. Churchill believed that premium cigar smoking of the Romeo y Julieta,his utmost favorite premium cigar brand,is a rather sacred task. That is,no other daily tasks must interfere with the cigar smoking. One of these cigars were the Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars. Offered in the box of 10,these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars proffer spicy flavors that render a heavenly experience for your taste buds. Produced by Altadis in the Dominican Republic,these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars made with Dominican filler tobaccos and wrapped tightly with the Indonesian Shade Grown wrappers. With a burn so smooth and even,you won't believe the humble price tag that the Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars assume! With a quality so grandeur,you'll keep returning to the smoking of these cigars as 10 cigars will simply not suffice! Each of these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars assumes dimensions of 6x50 and a straight shape which is tendered by the Colorado Maduro wrapper. Tobacco General is offering these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10 at a reasonably low price that doesn't match the high quality. We look forward to satisfying you on all levels,allowing for your experience with the Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10 be the same if not better than that experience that Winston Churchill once had. Try these Romeo y Julieta Clemenceau en Tubos Cigars Box of 10 out for yourself and see!
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Churchill en Tubos Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 7 x 50 ChurchillRomeo y Julieta is an iconic cigar named after a literary favorite. The 1875 cigar's beautiful Indonesian Shade Grown TBN wrapper surrounds a classic Domincan binder and a blend of Dominican long fillers that burn with a characteristic white ash,providing a smooth,mellow taste with medium body.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Minutos Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 4 x 30 CigarilloAltadis USA introduced this popular blend in 2003,featuring a Connecticut-seed wrapper with a medium-bodied flavor.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real It's A Girl Tube Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 5.5 x 44 CoronaAltadis USA introduced this popular blend in 2003,featuring a Connecticut-seed wrapper with a medium-bodied flavor.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real It's A Boy Tube Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 5.5 x 44 CoronaAltadis USA introduced this popular blend in 2003,featuring a Connecticut-seed wrapper with a medium-bodied flavor.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta Reserve Habano Belicosos Cigars Box of 27
Dominican Size: 6.125 x 52 BelicosoToday's request and demand for tobacco products is inundated in economical and cultural regulations. Inflation has caused many of the tobacco products available on today's market to skyrocket the prices on products like cigarettes and cigars,angering the pockets of many civilians. Many people smoking cigarette products smoke due to addiction or any other negative habits that steer clear when it comes to premium cigars. Premium cigar tobacco is designed for one to enjoy the smoke and sit quietly in peace as opposed to killing cravings on the run. A great example of a rather high in quality cigar that will cease to disappoint your wallet on the long run is Romeo y Julieta's Habana Reserve Belicoso Cigar. Proffering the smoker with full bodied smoke,each of the Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Belicoso Cigars focuses not on addicting the smoker but on providing a relaxing element for which the cigar itself will never be condemned for. The Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Belicoso Cigars are a quintessential blend of flawless seaming and redolent Dominican and Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos. From the pinguid natural Nicaraguan wrapper leaves to the seamless binding,each of these Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Belicoso Cigars glistens with earthy and spicy tobaccos that proffer an indefinitely spicy and sweet aroma that ceases to terminate until the cigar ceases to burn any longer. Each of these Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Belicoso Cigars assumes 6 1/8 x 52 dimensions and is never burdensome for any occasion when it comes to size. Tobacco General knows that the quality of these Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Belicoso Cigars is soaring high and the demand is just as high,so they have lowered the price to fit even the most fastidious budget. This cigar is for you,guaranteed! Try and see for yourself!
Cusano Cusano Torpedo M1 Cigars Pack of 20
Dominican Size: 6 x 52 TorpedoCusano cigars have been a household name among many cigar smokers. Each cigar features unparalled quality and draw. These cigars come in a variety of strengths.
Cohiba Cohiba Toro Tubos Cigars Box of 10
Dominican Size: 6 x 50 ToroThis version,the so-called "Red Dot" Cohiba debuted in 1997. General Cigar had produced a three-size,unbanded Cohiba beginnning in 1978,but this medium-to-full-bodied blend has more of everything,including sizes and taste.
Casa De Garcia Casa de Garcia Magnum Connecticut Cigars Pack of 20
Dominican Size: 6 x 60 Magnum Gordo Wrapper: ConnecticutOne of the best selling bundled cigars we carry. Each Casa de Garcia cigar features a unique wrapper that is offered in multiple varieties,from mild,to medium,to full-bodied.
Tatiana Tatiana Mocha Stobona Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 5 x 38 CoronaThis is a long-filler,medium-bodied,flavored brand from Miami Cigar & Co.,primarily featuring an Indonesian wrapper.
Tatiana Tatiana Mocha Eden Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 5 x 38 CoronaThis is a long-filler,medium-bodied,flavored brand from Miami Cigar & Co.,primarily featuring an Indonesian wrapper.