Nicaraguan Cigars
Cuban Rounds Cuban Rounds Churchill Maduro Cigars Box of 40
Nicaraguan Size: 7 x 48 ChurchillHave you ever asked yourself why the Cuban premium cigar tradition has been carried on for decades following the embargo? Many smokers buying from today's tobacco market are indulging in smoking cigars like the legendary Cuban Rounds Churchill Maduro Cigars,the special premium cigars that set a standard for many other cigars in their class. With a flavor so delicate and an aroma so pleasant,these Cuban Rounds Churchill Maduro Cigars truly do set a standard for other similar cigars in their class. Don't let yourself be deceived by the relatively cheap price; the Cuban Rounds Churchill Maduro Cigars rank up there with the big boys when it comes to construction,draw and overall quality. The Cuban Rounds Churchill Maduro Cigars have 7”X48 dimensions and come in a box of 40. Tobacco General is offering a considerably low pricing on these Cuban Rounds Churchill Maduro Cigars,but the quality is the one that truly sets a standard. Try these Cuban Rounds Churchill Maduro Cigars now!
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Toro Natural Cigars Pack of 20
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 54 ToroPlace your eyes on those special premium cigars that will trick your olfactory into thinking that you are living a stress-reduced life. How would it feel to experience a moment filled with nature's wonders and a moment that doesn't have the slightest trace of negativity or stress? Think to yourself. Imagine,as you take a drag from the Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigar,how life would be lived by someone that shouldn't worry about paying bills,taking care of a family or going to work. That state of visualization is easily attained by the Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigars. Without a trace of the slightest doubt,you will be absorbed into a world-class cigar experience. With its Toro-based shaped,the Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigars are carefully wrapped into the Maduro wrapper and readily packed in such a way that the burn is even and long lasting. Each Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigar is sized 6”X50 and is perfect for any occasion,especially for that one day when you decide to reduce all of the stress from your life. Tobacco General is offering a very low price on these Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigars in comparison,while the quality stays very high. Buy them now!
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Toro Natural Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 54 ToroCertain smokers never learn to experience and derive the true ecstasy of emotions that can be induced by the smoking of a premium cigar. They never learn because they resort to smoking cheap cigars and cigarettes,when in the end the only matter they scrutinize and put their attention to is the nicotine addiction of which they must rid themselves. Don't fall victim to contemporary tobacco smoking before you fall victim to the ecstasy that it may bring upon you. One such example of a premium cigar that releases the utmost positive emotions in the smoker belongs to the Cuban Rejects Toro Natural Cigars. You can't do yourself wrong in deciding to buy these exquisite premium cigars! These Toro shaped,wrapped in a natural wrapper cigars have nothing left but to impress the smoker. With a pleasant aroma,they are responsible for setting the standards for tobacco smoking. The Cuban Rejects Toro Natural Cigars have 6”X50 dimensions. Perfect for any hand texture and lip texture,these Cuban Rejects Toro Natural Cigars will never disappoint you! Tobacco General is offering very low prices on these Cuban Rejects Toro Natural Cigars,even though they are world class! Try them now!
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 54 ToroPlace your eyes on those special premium cigars that will trick your olfactory into thinking that you are living a stress-reduced life. How would it feel to experience a moment filled with nature's wonders and a moment that doesn't have the slightest trace of negativity or stress? Think to yourself. Imagine,as you take a drag from the Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigar,how life would be lived by someone that shouldn't worry about paying bills,taking care of a family or going to work. That state of visualization is easily attained by the Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigars. Without a trace of the slightest doubt,you will be absorbed into a world-class cigar experience. With its Toro-based shaped,the Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigars are carefully wrapped into the Maduro wrapper and readily packed in such a way that the burn is even and long lasting. Each Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigar is sized 6”X50 and is perfect for any occasion,especially for that one day when you decide to reduce all of the stress from your life. Tobacco General is offering a very low price on these Cuban Rejects Toro Maduro Cigars in comparison,while the quality stays very high. Buy them now!
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Toro Gordo Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 54 ToroOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars Pack of 20
Nicaraguan Size: 5 x 50 RobustoAre the holidays coming up? Does your best friend or that special family member have a birthday? Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone that is bound only by the understanding of the contemporary cigarette or cheap cigar taste? Drag their taste buds outside of the box by purchasing the legendary Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars for them! Don't wait another day! These Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars are constructed with a natural wrapper that is designed in flawless way to last long and to render an even burn. Taking on a Robusto shape,the Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars will take that special someone's visual imagination to a whole different level. Don't disappoint them with something cheaper than these world class cigars! Allow them to understand the true limitless boundaries set by the world of renowned,elite and premium tobacco products! The Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars are bound by 5X50 size dimensions that are perfect for anyone's lips and comfortable in anyone's hands! Tobacco General has placed a very low price on these Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars in order to ensure consumer satisfaction while putting out a product that is among the best in the world in its class. Guaranateed!
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 5 x 50 RobustoAre the holidays coming up? Does your best friend or that special family member have a birthday? Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone that is bound only by the understanding of the contemporary cigarette or cheap cigar taste? Drag their taste buds outside of the box by purchasing the legendary Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars for them! Don't wait another day! These Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars are constructed with a natural wrapper that is designed in flawless way to last long and to render an even burn. Taking on a Robusto shape,the Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars will take that special someone's visual imagination to a whole different level. Don't disappoint them with something cheaper than these world class cigars! Allow them to understand the true limitless boundaries set by the world of renowned,elite and premium tobacco products! The Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars are bound by 5X50 size dimensions that are perfect for anyone's lips and comfortable in anyone's hands! Tobacco General has placed a very low price on these Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars in order to ensure consumer satisfaction while putting out a product that is among the best in the world in its class. Guaranateed!
CAO CAO Flathead V770 Big Block Cigars Box of 24
Nicaraguan Size: 7 x 60 Double Toro Wrapper: NaturalIf you love cars,then you'll love this tribute from CAO. Crafted with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos,Flathead Cigar in honor of the legendary Hot Rod engines. Each size is named to commemorate a specific part of engine and packed into a beautifully crafted box.
CAO CAO Flathead V660 Carb Cigars Box of 24
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 60 Double Toro Wrapper: NaturalIf you love cars,then you'll love this tribute from CAO. Crafted with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos,Flathead Cigar in honor of the legendary Hot Rod engines. Each size is named to commemorate a specific part of engine and packed into a beautifully crafted box.
CAO CAO Flathead V642 Piston Cigars Box of 24
Nicaraguan Size: 6.5 x 42 Lonsdale Wrapper: NaturalIf you love cars,then you'll love this tribute from CAO. Crafted with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos,Flathead Cigar in honor of the legendary Hot Rod engines. Each size is named to commemorate a specific part of engine and packed into a beautifully crafted box.
Acid Acid Krush Red Cameroon Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 4 x 32 CigarilloKrush Classic is a quick taste of the ACID flavor offered in a small,4 x 32 easy to smoke format. Offered in four different infusion & wrapper varieties, these are the perfect short smoke for the ACID fan. Packed in 10-ct tins with 5 tins to a carton.
Acid Acid Krush Morado Maduro Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 4 x 32 CigarilloKrush Classic is a quick taste of the ACID flavor offered in a small,4 x 32 easy to smoke format. Offered in four different infusion & wrapper varieties,these are the perfect short smoke for the ACID fan. Packed in 10-ct tins with 5 tins to a carton.