Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

This delicious pipe tobacco comes in Original, Light, and Dark varieties. The burley flavor is good, and it packs easily. This tobacco is very consistent in quality and flavor. It has a pleasing room note, too. If you're looking for an affordable and enjoyable pipe tobacco, Captain Black is the choice for you. It's a must-try! Its consistent quality makes it an excellent choice for the discerning pipe smoker.

Captain Black Original

The Original Captain Black pipe tobacco was first made 50 years ago and has since been a classic among pipe tobaccos. The blend of Virginias used to make Captain Black is mild and aromatic. It is available in 7 oz. tins, as well as 1.5 oz. pouches. Whether you are a seasoned pipe tobacco enthusiast or are new to the game, Captain Black will make your next smoke an enjoyable experience.

The mild and mellow taste of this Virginia Cavendish tobacco makes it an excellent choice for smokers. It has a mild, sweet flavor with a little bite. This tobacco is a natural product that has been properly processed for the experienced cigarette smoker. It goes well with coffee, bourbon or scotch. It is available in both black and white varieties. Once you've tasted Original Captain Black, you'll want to buy a box.


The aroma of Dark Captain Black is rich, spicy, and unforgettable. The smoke is smooth and doesn't cause a tongue bite. The tobacco is moist, but not so wet that it interferes with lighting. This tobacco has good room presence, too. And while it's not the most aromatic tobacco out there, it is very satisfying to smoke. If you're a Captain Black fan, you'll love Dark.

The tobacco taste is mild and innocuous, with a hint of bread. The smoke has no bite, but rather an odor of warm kitchen food and creamy vanilla. It has no lingering chemical aftertaste and a clean, sweet taste on the lips. It's one of the closest things to actually smoking tobacco without the Glycol. I don't think I'd buy it again. But, if you want a nice tobacco flavor that's not overpowering, this might be it.

The flavor of Dark Captain Black is a classic. It's made with 100% black Cavendish tobacco. It's not as sweet as aromatic Captain Black, but it's still mild-medium in strength, leaving a smooth, vanilla-like taste behind. The mellow tobacco flavor makes Dark Captain Black an all-day smoke. Whether you're enjoying an aromatic tobacco blend or a bold, fruity blend, this tobacco will be a favorite.


Light Captain Black is a great blend of rich, black cavendish and mellow burleys. This tobacco is exceptionally mild and aromatic. This is a favorite among pipe smokers and has been among the top-selling lines for almost fifty years. It's not hard to see why. After all, it's one of the most popular brands of pipe tobacco. It's easy to pack, easy to enjoy, and consistently high quality.

The original version of Captain Black is a light, aromatic smoke that doesn't cause tongue bite. It's moist without being too gummy, and it gives the room a welcoming presence. The flavor of Captain Black is reminiscent of Christmas-late-autumn snowy weather. If you're looking for a tobacco that won't give you a headache, this is the one. It's the perfect all-day smoke.

This brand's history dates back to 1973, when Lane Limited introduced aromatic pipe tobacco. Lane Limited focused on customer satisfaction and enjoyment. After two decades, they expanded their product line to include filtered cigars. Within a decade, they were smoked in different cities across the United States. And they haven't looked back since. The quality of these tobacco products is second-to-none. They're available for every budget and taste.


Gold Captain Black tobacco is one of the best blends of pipe tobacco available on the market. It is a smooth tobacco with a mild vanilla taste that combines citrus and grass notes with honey. It burns quickly, but slowly enough to avoid tongue bite. The tobacco leaves only a minimal amount of moisture in the bowl. The taste is mild enough for a daily smoke, and it is an ideal choice for smokers who prefer a more traditional taste.

This aromatic tobacco is made from straight golden Virginia Cavendish leaves. It packs evenly, burns slowly, and is a good choice for anyone who enjoys a smooth tobacco. This tobacco blend also easily blends with many other tobaccos, which makes it a versatile choice. Tobacco users will love this cigarette. It is a popular smoke for a variety of occasions, and it will never disappoint. Just be sure to try it and let me know if it's worth it.


If you love the mild and sweet taste of Virginia Cavendish, you will like Captain Black White. Its mellow taste and little bite will make it the perfect tobacco to smoke for relaxation and enjoyment. You can enjoy a smooth, relaxing cigarette while sipping a glass of bourbon or scotch. Besides, you can pair this tobacco with your favorite drink - coffee, tea, or a cup of java.

The original blend is one of the best selling pipe tobaccos in the US. Available in 7-oz. tins, it is an aromatic blend that has a light, creamy flavor. It is also easy to light and has a rich caramel aftertaste. Despite its price, this tobacco is definitely worth the price. There's no bite risk with this tobacco, and it's easy to smoke. Its blend of different tobaccos gives it a nutty, caramel aftertaste that is not unpleasant.

Available in singles, 3-packs, and 20 packs

As one of the most popular brands of pipe tobacco, Captain Black has gained a loyal following worldwide. Before the recent popularity of Captain Black cigars, the brand was available only in pipes. They are small cigarillos, 3.5 inches long and 20 grams in weight. They are perfect for quick smoke breaks and are packaged in a sleek foil pouch. The cigarillos are available in a variety of flavors, including Cherry, Filters, Peach Rum, and Sweets.

Tobacco lovers will enjoy the unique flavors and aromas of the different blends of Captain Black pipe tobacco. The Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco is one of the world's best-selling brands, with a sweet, vanilla flavor. The other blends are White Pipe Tobacco, Gold Pipe Tobacco, and Cherry Pipe Tobacco. You can buy single and multi-packs of these aromatic tobaccos.

It has a distinctively warm, pleasantly sweet aroma

The signature scent of Captain Black is a blend of Virginia, Burley, and Black Cavendish that imparts a pleasant, warming aroma. This tobacco has been made in the USA by the Lane Limited company, part of the Scandinavian Tobacco Group, since 1972. Its distinctive aroma and flavor are synonymous with the Captain Black brand, which produces a wide variety of cigars and cigarillos. Captain Black tobacco is often referred to as Captain Black Regular, because of its mild flavor and aromatic aroma.

Unlike many "drug store" aromatics, Captain Black tobacco is pleasant to smoke, and the pouch aroma is appealing. The sweet, pipe tobacco-like aroma brings to mind childhood days spent with grandfather smoking a pipe. It reminds me of the Christmas season, Santa Claus, and of carefree childhoods. I am a fan of Captain Black tobacco and always enjoy a pack.

It has a pipe tobacco smell

If you are looking for a mild and regular pipe tobacco blend, you've probably come across Captain Black. This tobacco is a close second to the famous "White". It has a mild vanilla scent and a low strength. It is quite smooth and won't bite, but it can turn ugly near the end of a bowl if you go too fast. If you're new to pipe tobacco, you may want to experiment with a few other blends before committing to Captain Black.

This mass-produced pipe tobacco is just as good as specialty tinned varieties. Compared to smoking cigarettes, pipe smoking has a lower risk of death due to tobacco-related diseases. However, it is still more harmful than cigar smoking. Regardless of the type of tobacco, all tobacco products carry an excessive risk of mortality and morbidity. Pipe tobacco, like cigarette tobacco, is extremely aromatic and highly addictive.

14 products

  • Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can 1

    CAPTAIN BLACK Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can

    With a rich lineup of pipe tobaccos to choose from in the current tobacco market, we often get confused and purchase brands that don't leave us satisfied in the end. Why waste your time when you can put your coin into something that is guaranteed to leave you in a better mood? Choose Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco. Made of only the highest quality, hand picked Burley, Cavendish and Virginia tobaccos this Regular Blend prevails over its competition with its even burn and clean finish. Mild-medium in strength, this blend eliminates the overpowering elements that rule the regular blends of other flavors, giving way to a low flavor intensity. Shaved down to a loose cut, this pipe tobacco is a pipe's best friend, yielding a room note that mediates between mellow and balanced. Prime Wholesale offers this product in 7oz cans and 5 pouches of 1.5oz. Experience this sweet tasting aromatic tobacco that is manufactured by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group - it is guaranteed to leave your senses in awe!


  • Captain Black Gold Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Gold Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Gold pipe tobacco is a mild aromatic blend that is very easy to smoke.  The Golden Virginia Cavendish is the lightest in flavor of all Captain Black tobaccos.  Captain Black Gold is a little drier than the other Captain Black blends and needs to be packed a bit more carefully than the original or Red. It is finer in cut as well and packs a little quicker than the others. The drier cut can lead to an uneven burn, but it does not cause any harshness or unpleasantness to the smoke.


  • Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Royal pipe tobacco is a smooth combination of Black and Gold Cavendish topped with flavors reminiscent of decadent caramel, molasses and subtle spiced rum notes.  Ribbon cut, it is easy to pack and the blend's expert blending creates a light and delightfully sweet smoke that satisfies throughout the day.


  • Captain Black Cherry Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Cherry Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Cherry is the world’s best selling aromatic, a blend of Burley, Virginia, and toasted Black Cavendish with a robust cherry flavor and aroma. All of Captain Black’s aromatics are steamed to seal in the flavor and moisture content.


  • Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Regular pipe tobacco pouches are one of the best selling aromatic blends around. It's an American classic and a must try for aromatic smokers. The blends are mellow and perfectly aromatic.  Captain Black Original combines Golden Virginias with Burley and Black Cavendish for a smooth flavor profile with just a touch of vanilla.  Captain black is packed into small 1.5-oz resealable pouches, each pouch also has a hygrometer in them to keep the tobacco at the ideal humidity level for its flavor and smoking experience.


  • Captain Black Gold Pipe Tobacco 6 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Gold Pipe Tobacco 6 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Out of stock

    A balanced body with a mellow taste. Worried about dry tobacco?No need. Here is a helpful guide to restoring your tobacco to your ideal moisture level.What can I do to re-humidify my tobacco?During tobacco rag processing, raw tobacco is sent through re-dryers, which pulls out all of the moisture. Later in the manufacturing process, the desired amount of moisture is added back to the tobacco. What does this mean to you?Pipe tobacco is packaged based on net weight. One cubic foot of water weighs 62.37 pounds. It is to your advantage to buy dryer tobacco because you are getting more for your money. If you receive a bag that is not to your preferred humidity level, there are several remedies that are readily available in tobacco chat rooms and/or blogs.We suggest that you use a mist/spray bottle filled with water, preferably distilled, and lightly spray the tobacco once inside the pouch. Seal the pouch back and let it sit for approximately one hour. You should notice the difference in the feel and taste of your next smoke. You may repeat this process to get the tobacco up to the humidity level of your preference. Be careful not to apply too much moisture as this may lead to a host of other problems. However, in the event that it becomes too moist, simply spread the loose tobacco across a paper towel and allow it to air dry. Then, if needed, you may restart the re-humidification process.

    Out of stock


  • Captain Black Dark Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Dark Pipe Tobacco 5 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Dark Pipe tobacco is smooth and sweet aromatic tobacco that has a lovely room note with hints of cream, chocolate and vanilla.  It's mellow to medium in strength and will delight those who love Black Cavendish tobaccos, it's a little less sweet than Captain Black Gold or Royal.


  • Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can 1

    CAPTAIN BLACK Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can

    Experience a delightful pipe tobacco that gifts one with a sweet and delicate aroma - an experience that will put Captain Black as one's top choice of pipe tobaccos. Made from an exclusive blend of black and golden Cavendish tobaccos, along with some Burley tobaccos, this product burns evenly and smoothly once ignited, with a clean finish due to its loose cut. This pipe tobacco leaves behind a balanced room note, for it makes its presence known not only to the taste buds but the sense of smell as well. The flavor intensity of this product mediates between mellow and balanced, not overpowering the senses yet allowing you to cognize its aromatic taste. Topped off with a vanilla flavor, this pipe tobacco is guaranteed to please the sense of taste with a reminiscence of flowers. Captain Black Royal Black Pipe Tobacco is packaged conveniently in 7oz cans or 5 pouches of 1.5oz each - both options packing the tobacco tightly to prevent the distribution of shake and preserve freshness. This product is made exclusively by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group


  • Captain Black Cherry Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can Captain Black Cherry Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can

    CAPTAIN BLACK Captain Black Cherry Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can

    Taste a tobacco that brings you back to 1973 - a year where the tobacco market thrived with high quality products, and everything less didn't make it. Among one of the pipe tobaccos that were known to be high in quality was the Captain Black Cherry pipe tobacco. Comprised of Cavendish, Black Cavendish, Burley and Virginia tobaccos, this illustrious product smells and tastes of organic cherry - a definite fan favorite. Mild-Medium in strength, this pipe tobacco is sure to appease even the most critical smoker, for its consistent burn and even finish is hard to pass through judgement. Rendering a balanced room note, this product will surely captivate bystanders as it leaves them interested in the origin of the impeccable smell. This pipe tobacco comes in 7oz cans and 6 pockets of 1.5oz. Captain Black is a USA made pipe tobacco manufacturer, produced by the infamous Scandinavian Tobacco Group.


  • Captain Black Gold Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can 1 Captain Black Gold Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can 2

    CAPTAIN BLACK Captain Black Gold Pipe Tobacco 7 oz. Can

    With a rich lineup of pipe tobaccos to choose from in the current tobacco market, we often get confused and purchase brands that don't leave us satisfied in the end. Why waste your time when you can put your coin into something that is guaranteed to leave you in a better mood? Choose Captain Black Regular Pipe Tobacco. Prime Wholesale offers this product in 7oz cans and 5 pouches of 1.5oz. Experience this sweet tasting aromatic tobacco that is manufactured by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group - it is guaranteed to leave your senses in awe!


  • Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco 6 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco 6 Pouches of 1.5 oz.

    9 in stock

    Sweet with a considerable vanilla aroma. Worried about dry tobacco?No need. Here is a helpful guide to restoring your tobacco to your ideal moisture level.What can I do to re-humidify my tobacco?During tobacco rag processing, raw tobacco is sent through re-dryers, which pulls out all of the moisture. Later in the manufacturing process, the desired amount of moisture is added back to the tobacco. What does this mean to you?Pipe tobacco is packaged based on net weight. One cubic foot of water weighs 62.37 pounds. It is to your advantage to buy dryer tobacco because you are getting more for your money. If you receive a bag that is not to your preferred humidity level, there are several remedies that are readily available in tobacco chat rooms and/or blogs.We suggest that you use a mist/spray bottle filled with water, preferably distilled, and lightly spray the tobacco once inside the pouch. Seal the pouch back and let it sit for approximately one hour. You should notice the difference in the feel and taste of your next smoke. You may repeat this process to get the tobacco up to the humidity level of your preference. Be careful not to apply too much moisture as this may lead to a host of other problems. However, in the event that it becomes too moist, simply spread the loose tobacco across a paper towel and allow it to air dry. Then, if needed, you may restart the re-humidification process.

    9 in stock


  • Captain Black Dark Pipe Tobacco 6 Pockets of 1.5 oz.

    Captain Black Captain Black Dark Pipe Tobacco 6 Pockets of 1.5 oz.

    10 in stock

    100% pure black cavendish,created with Herman G. Lane's proprietary steaming process. Slightly sweet aroma and flavor with a hint of dried fruit and vanilla. Worried about dry tobacco?No need. Here is a helpful guide to restoring your tobacco to your ideal moisture level.What can I do to re-humidify my tobacco?During tobacco rag processing, raw tobacco is sent through re-dryers, which pulls out all of the moisture. Later in the manufacturing process, the desired amount of moisture is added back to the tobacco. What does this mean to you?Pipe tobacco is packaged based on net weight. One cubic foot of water weighs 62.37 pounds. It is to your advantage to buy dryer tobacco because you are getting more for your money. If you receive a bag that is not to your preferred humidity level, there are several remedies that are readily available in tobacco chat rooms and/or blogs.We suggest that you use a mist/spray bottle filled with water, preferably distilled, and lightly spray the tobacco once inside the pouch. Seal the pouch back and let it sit for approximately one hour. You should notice the difference in the feel and taste of your next smoke. You may repeat this process to get the tobacco up to the humidity level of your preference. Be careful not to apply too much moisture as this may lead to a host of other problems. However, in the event that it becomes too moist, simply spread the loose tobacco across a paper towel and allow it to air dry. Then, if needed, you may restart the re-humidification process.

    10 in stock



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