Golden Harvest Filter Tubes
GOLDEN HARVEST Golden Harvest Filter Tubes King Size Full Flavor 5 Cartons of 200
When the king has everything he needs, he starts thinking about what's missing. The first thing that usually comes to his mind are the elegant Golden Harvest Full Flavor Filter Tubes King Size, an extravagant product that boasts ingenuity in design whilst delivering a more than practical smoking experience upon ever inhalation. Fit with perfectly crafted 17mm filter tips, each tube in its entirety suffices to extrude any unwanted byproducts of combustion with every ignition. Made with love, this company is manufactured on US soil in North Carolina by Rouseco, a popular manufacturer that has remained in high demand for many years. These Full Flavor tubes are the perfect addition to any tobacco you fill them with, for they will issue your senses the kick they deserve every single time!
GOLDEN HARVEST Golden Harvest Filter Tubes King Size Light 5 Cartons of 200
Rouseco's finest filter tubes are now available to the mainstream smoker's market, the unblemished Golden Harvest Light King Size Filter Tubes now feature a handsome but practical finish, predicated by an empirical filter that suffices to expunge undesirable byproducts of combustion with every inhalation. Made on American soil, this North Carolinan masterpiece delivers a consistent, yet slow burning experience every single time it is ignited. Fit exclusively with 17mm filter tips, each of these products boast a gorgeous veneer that sets a worldwide standard that isn't the easiest to match. This light flavor allows any type of tobacco the tubes are filled with to shine every single time, for it is never overpowering and delivers the desired flavor every single time. Don't overlook Golden Harvest, for they have withstood the test of time!
GOLDEN HARVEST Golden Harvest Filter Tubes King Size Menthol 5 Cartons of 200
Rouseco has outshined everyone else yet once again, providing the world with their irreproachable Golden Harvest King Size Menthol Filter Tubes. Thanks to divine ingenuity, these products sponsor a fashionable veneer that is built on a solid, yet practical foundation. Allowing for an even burn all the way through every single time, this product is designed to renew and revitalize one's senses upon every inhalation, delivering a minty refreshing sensation that is comparable to that of ingesting a mint. Made on American soil in North Carolina, these beauties are fitted with a 17mm filter tip that suffices to extrude any unwanted byproduct of combustion with every subsequent inhalation, rendering the smoke pure and tasty. Continuously setting the standard for other companies, Golden Harvest has no plans of ever backing down from first place.