Filtered Cigars
OHM OHM Red (Full Flavor) Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Red (Full Flavor) Filtered Cigars come in a value-packed box containing 10 packs, with each pack consisting of 20 filtered cigars, providing a total of 200 cigars. These filtered cigars are designed to offer a full-flavor smoking experience, appealing to those who prefer a robust and bold taste. The cigars are crafted with high-quality tobacco leaves, ensuring a consistent and satisfying smoke with every puff. The inclusion of filters in these cigars provides a smoother smoking experience, reducing the harshness of the smoke and allowing for a more enjoyable draw. The filter also helps to enhance the overall smoking experience, making these cigars a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts. With a medium-bodied strength, OHM Full Flavor Filtered Cigars are suitable for both occasional and seasoned cigar smokers. The size and shape of the cigars offer a convenient and enjoyable smoking experience, making them ideal for various settings and occasions. The 10-pack box containing 200 cigars offers great value and ensures that you have an ample supply of filtered cigars to last you for multiple smoking sessions. Whether you're looking for an everyday smoke or a flavorful option to savor on special occasions, OHM Full Flavor Filtered Cigars provide a convenient and enjoyable choice for cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a bold and full-flavor smoking experience.
OHM OHM Blue (Mild) Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Blue (Mild) Filtered Cigars come in a box containing 10 packs, with each pack consisting of 20 filtered cigars, providing a total of 200 cigars. These filtered cigars are specially crafted to offer a milder smoking experience, catering to those who prefer a smoother and gentler taste. The cigars are made with high-quality tobacco leaves, expertly blended to deliver a consistent and satisfying smoke with a mild flavor profile. The inclusion of filters in these cigars ensures a smoother draw, reducing the harshness of the smoke and offering a more enjoyable smoking experience. The filter also helps to enhance the overall smoking experience, making these cigars a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts who prefer a milder taste. With a lighter-bodied strength, OHM Mild Filtered Cigars are suitable for both beginners and seasoned cigar smokers seeking a mellow and relaxed smoke. The size and shape of the cigars provide a convenient and enjoyable smoking experience for various settings and occasions. The 10-pack box containing 200 cigars offers excellent value and ensures that you have an ample supply of filtered cigars to enjoy over multiple smoking sessions. Whether you're looking for a daily smoke or a more laid-back option for moments of relaxation, OHM Mild Filtered Cigars provide a convenient and pleasant choice for cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a mild and smooth smoking experience. As always, please remember to smoke responsibly and in accordance with local laws and regulations. For the most accurate and up-to-date information about the product, I recommend checking with authorized retailers or the manufacturer's official website.
OHM OHM Menthol Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Menthol Filtered Cigars come in a box containing 10 packs, with each pack consisting of 20 filtered cigars, providing a total of 200 cigars. These filtered cigars are crafted to offer a refreshing and cool smoking experience, perfect for those who enjoy the invigorating taste of menthol. The cigars are made with high-quality tobacco leaves, expertly infused with a crisp and mentholated essence. The inclusion of filters in these cigars provides a smoother and milder draw, enhancing the overall smoking experience and reducing the harshness of the smoke. The menthol flavor adds a delightful touch to the tobacco, creating a cooling sensation with each puff. With a medium-bodied strength, OHM Menthol Filtered Cigars are suitable for both occasional and seasoned cigar smokers who appreciate a balanced and refreshing menthol smoke. The size and shape of the cigars offer a convenient and enjoyable smoking experience for various settings and occasions. The 10-pack box containing 200 cigars provides excellent value and ensures that you have a substantial supply of menthol filtered cigars to last you for multiple smoking sessions. Whether you enjoy a mentholated smoke during moments of relaxation or appreciate the invigorating flavor while on the go, OHM Menthol Filtered Cigars offer a convenient and enjoyable choice for cigar enthusiasts seeking a cool and refreshing smoking experience.
OHM OHM Cherry Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Cherry Filtered Cigars come in a box containing 10 packs, with each pack consisting of 20 filtered cigars, providing a total of 200 cigars. These filtered cigars are carefully crafted to offer a delightful and flavorful smoking experience, perfect for those who enjoy the sweet and fruity taste of cherries. The cigars are made with high-quality tobacco leaves, expertly infused with a luscious cherry flavor. The inclusion of filters in these cigars provides a smoother draw, enhancing the overall smoking experience and reducing the harshness of the smoke. The cherry infusion adds a delicious touch to the tobacco, creating a pleasantly aromatic and enjoyable smoke with every puff. With a medium-bodied strength, OHM Cherry Filtered Cigars are suitable for both occasional and seasoned cigar smokers who appreciate a balanced and flavorful smoke. The size and shape of the cigars offer a convenient and enjoyable smoking experience for various settings and occasions. The 10-pack box containing 200 cigars ensures that you have a generous supply of cherry-flavored filtered cigars to enjoy over multiple smoking sessions. Whether you're seeking a sweet indulgence during moments of relaxation or want to add a touch of fruity delight to your smoking experience, OHM Cherry Filtered Cigars provide a convenient and enjoyable choice for cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a delicious cherry-infused smoke.
OHM OHM Exotic Berry Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Exotic Berry filtered cigars have smooth taste.
OHM OHM Vanilla Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Vanilla Filtered Cigars come in a box containing 10 packs, with each pack consisting of 20 filtered cigars, providing a total of 200 cigars. These filtered cigars are carefully crafted to offer a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience with a delicious vanilla flavor. The cigars are made with high-quality tobacco leaves, expertly blended with the rich and creamy taste of vanilla. The inclusion of filters in these cigars ensures a milder and more refined draw, enhancing the overall smoking experience and reducing any harshness in the smoke. The vanilla infusion adds a delightful and aromatic touch to the tobacco, creating a uniquely satisfying and flavorful smoke with every puff. With a medium-bodied strength, OHM Vanilla Filtered Cigars are suitable for both occasional and seasoned cigar smokers who appreciate a balanced and flavorful smoke. The size and shape of the cigars provide a convenient and comfortable smoking experience for various settings and occasions. The 10-pack box containing 200 cigars ensures that you have an ample supply of vanilla-flavored filtered cigars to enjoy over multiple smoking sessions. Whether you're looking to indulge in a sweet and creamy smoke during moments of relaxation or seeking a delightful flavor to savor on the go, OHM Vanilla Filtered Cigars offer a convenient and enjoyable choice for cigar enthusiasts who appreciate the smooth taste of vanilla-infused tobacco.
OHM OHM Sweet Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Sweet filtered cigars have smooth taste.
OHM OHM Strawberry Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Strawberry filtered cigars have smooth taste.
OHM OHM Peach Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Peach filtered cigars have smooth taste.
OHM OHM Grape Filtered Cigars 10 Packs of 20
OHM Grape filtered cigars have smooth taste.