Dominican Cigars
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 5.5 x 44 CoronaWhen it comes to the way that a cigar is handcrafted,one must consider all points stipulated in a flawless design. Either the design itself allows the cigar to look majestically luxurious and intricate or it is seamlessly put together,the one who is put to judge generally looks at the collective outcome of the manufacturing of the cigar. For example,cigars like the Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars generally have a flawless pattern in their design,where their overall construction is embellished by the color of the wrapper and the seamless binding. Each Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigar is crafted with a fragrant Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and a soothingly smooth commingle of Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers. These Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars provide the smoker with a rather favorable and memorable smoke that would tender the smoker to keep returning to the smoking of these premium cigars. These Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars are medium bodied in strength and assume 5.5x44 dimensions. Seamlessly crafted with excellence,these Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars will fulfill your tobacco smoking needs with permanence. Tobacco General is offering reasonable low prices on these Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars in order to ensure maximum satisfaction within the consumer world. Whether you're judging from the standpoint of creativity within the design or the overall construction,you can be completely assured that these Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Cigars will cease to disappoint you. Try them for yourself!
Cohiba Cohiba Corona Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 5.125 x 42 CoronaThis version, the so-called "Red Dot" Cohiba debuted in 1997. General Cigar had produced a three-size, unbranded Cohiba beginning in 1978,but this medium-to-full-bodied blend has more of everything, including sizes and taste.
Ashton Ashton Cabinet Corona Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 5.5 x 44 CoronaThis cigar has an extraordinary Connecticut shade wrapper which is aged for an extra year and has an elegant palamino color. The result is a smooth and creamy flavor. The Ashton Cabinet includes no less than six different tobaccos and ends with a "big finish."
Ashton Ashton Corona Cigars Box of 25
Dominican Size: 5.5 x 44 CoronaRobert Levin of Holt's of Philadelphia,Pennsylvania set out to create a great cigar in 1985... and he succeeded. Ashton cigars are manufactured without compromise at the Tabacalera A. Fuente,blending six tobaccos: Domincan filler and Dominican-grown,Cuban-seed binder leaves with perfect shade-grown wrapper leaves from the Connecticut Valley for a medium-bodied taste.