Tobacco Products
Cusano Cusano 59 Rare Cameroon Gordo Cigars Box of 18
Dominican Size: 6.25 x 54 GordoCusano cigars have been a household name among many cigar smokers. Each cigar features unparalled quality and draw. These cigars come in a variety of strengths.
Cuban Rounds Cuban Rounds Torpedo Natural Cigars Box of 40
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 52 TorpedoYou've heard about premium import cigars from Cuba,Honduras and the Dominican Republic. You've probably spent money on them too and had a blast at leisure with a cigar in your hand,attracting a crowd. Now it is time to switch up and try something new. Have you ever considered buying a cigar from a production company based in Nicaragua? Your consideration can take you on a long journey through a variety of flavors! Such a Nicaraguan based cigars are produced by Cuban Rounds. Each Cuban Round cigar is handmade with a short filler blend made of 100% Cuban-seed tobaccos and bound by peppery binder and a medium-brown EMS wrapper. What else could you ask for when considering this recipe of sumptuous flavor and impeccable aroma? Each Cuban Rounds Torpedo Natural Cigar,when lit,caresses your senses with a medium to full bodied smoke that is downright satisfying under any conditions! With 6”X52 dimensions,each Cuban Rounds Torpedo Natural Cigar is 100% Nicaraguan made and is guaranteed not to disappoint you! Tobacco General is offering very low prices on these Nicaraguan Cuban Rounds Torpedo Natural Cigars in order to satisfy each premium cigar smoker to the maximum! The quality is extremely high and will soon turn many premium cigar fanatics to the ultimate Nicaraguan brand- the Cuban Rounds. Try them for yourself!
Cuban Rounds Cuban Rounds Torpedo Maduro Cigars Box of 40
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 52 TorpedoPeople smoke all kinds of tobacco,but the question lies in whether or not they have understood the true meaning behind smoking. They must ask themselves,“What is it that I am exactly looking for from my tobacco smoking experience?” These smokers are most likely questioning themselves in such a manner due in part to the fact that they don't understand what a true tobacco smoking experience should be like. We guarantee that these smokers don't understand the premium cigar experience and should prepare to experience it for themselves. The best example of a great cigar that should answer their question should be the exemplary Cuban Rounds Torpedo Maduro Cigar. What sets this premium cigar apart from other tobacco related products is its intricate Torpedo design that makes it appear fashionable and higher in class. As you light each Cuban Rounds Torpedo Maduro Cigar,you harness your lips as if you're preparing them for a roller coaster ride. These Cuban Rounds Torpedo Maduro Cigars are very similar to a roller coaster ride as opposed to any other tobacco products you have tried before! Those other products are still at ground level as you take off! Such a mild,lip-caressing smoke simply cannot dissatisfy you! It can't be compared to anything else,simply stated! The Maduro wrapper that engulfs the cigar is simply state-of-the-art and the stitching is cutting-edge. Open up the box and see for yourself! Reinforced by their 6”X52 dimensions,these Cuban Rounds Torpedo Maduro Cigars are downright habit forming! Tobacco General is offering ultra low prices on their Cuban Rounds Torpedo Maduro Cigars,but the quality remains soaring high like the roller coaster! Try for yourself!
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Torpedo Natural Cigars Pack of 20
Nicaraguan Size: 6.5 x 52 TorpedoOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Torpedo Natural Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 6.5 x 52 TorpedoOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Torpedo Maduro Cigars Pack of 20
Nicaraguan Size: 6.5 x 52 TorpedoOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Torpedo Connecticut Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 6.5 x 52 TorpedoOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Toro Gordo Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 54 ToroOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Toro Connecticut Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 6 x 54 ToroOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 5 x 50 RobustoAre the holidays coming up? Does your best friend or that special family member have a birthday? Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone that is bound only by the understanding of the contemporary cigarette or cheap cigar taste? Drag their taste buds outside of the box by purchasing the legendary Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars for them! Don't wait another day! These Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars are constructed with a natural wrapper that is designed in flawless way to last long and to render an even burn. Taking on a Robusto shape,the Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars will take that special someone's visual imagination to a whole different level. Don't disappoint them with something cheaper than these world class cigars! Allow them to understand the true limitless boundaries set by the world of renowned,elite and premium tobacco products! The Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars are bound by 5X50 size dimensions that are perfect for anyone's lips and comfortable in anyone's hands! Tobacco General has placed a very low price on these Cuban Rejects Robusto Natural Cigars in order to ensure consumer satisfaction while putting out a product that is among the best in the world in its class. Guaranateed!
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Robusto Connecticut Cigars Box of 50
Nicaraguan Size: 5 x 50 RobustoOne of our best selling Premium Cigar brands. This cigar,along with its sister line the Cuban Rounds,is simply put,one of the best values in the cigar industry. Made from the exact same tobacco,filler,binder,and wrapper as many other much higher priced cigars,the quality is supurb. What makes it so much cheaper? The answer is simple; higher priced cigars come with the expectation that every cigar is identically colored inside and out. WIth these,the coloring may be off. This however,despite popular belief,does nothing to the flavor and pull of the cigar. It is in no way less satisfying than its pricey sibilings.
Cuban Rejects Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Cigars Pack of 20
Nicaraguan Size: 7 x 48 ChurchillPeople browsing for an illustrious,top of the line smoke should seek out the legendary Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Cigars. Respectfully acknowledging their production company,the Cuban Rejects,Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Cigars can get no further than being completely blessed by nature. One that is in complete understanding of what assembles true quality within the premium cigar market should know that Cuban Rejects are among one of the best premium cigars in the world. Showing utmost respect to you,the highly valued smoker,by being wrapped in a natural wrapper,the Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Cigars please you even more as you pay extra attention to their Churchill shape. Beautified by the shape,the Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Cigars.Caress your lips as you gentle and firms compress them around the opening. The draw is so impeccable,you'll forget about your any other experience as you inhale and hold your breath. The 7X48 dimensions of these Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Cigars make it seem even better when you seek to grasp them with your gentle hands. That is why Tobacco General has made sure that the prices on these Cuban Rejects Churchill Natural Cigars stay stable and loyal to your wallet,as the quality is simply unsurpassable. Buy them now! You will never be disappointed,guaranteed!